Fresh Food Was the Best Prescription for These Dogs
One of the motivators to create Chi Dog came on a routine office call for vaccines. When I saw her dogs I thought we have to do something for these dogs' obesity. I was talking with an owner of these 2 pit bulls whom she loved very much. They were both middle-aged and overweight with dry, dull coats and itchy skin. We talked about lab work and Western medications or possibly Chinese Medicine herbal therapies but she was frustrated with their lack of improvement in their weight and didn’t have a lot of money to spend that day. So, I suggested she home cook fresh food. I explained that Chinese Medicine prescribes fresh foods only, no kibble and I gave her a recipe specific to her dogs.
The improvement those dogs made in a few months was amazing. They lost the extra weight, their coats looked amazing: shiny, thicker hair with brighter colors. Their eyes weren’t red and they smelled better. Their owner was thrilled! She said they felt better and had more energy. I couldn’t believe it. And that experience was repeated again and again as I recommended Food Therapy to more and more patients.